
作为宾客服务部的主管 Banner – University Medical Center 在凤凰城, 韦兰·威廉姆斯(MHA), (2016年)已经习惯了兼顾责任和管理数百人.

Just nine years ago, he was in a very different place. Divorced and laid off from his full-time job, 他是三个孩子的单身父亲,有着远大的目标,还有很长的路要走. 他是这样做的.

“I encourage everyone to find their why”


His background explains this to some extent. 他主要由外祖父母在南加州抚养长大, 他是个运动员, sociable kid who dreamed of playing in the NFL after college. 虽然职业足球不太可能,但优秀体育精神的许多内在教训仍然存在.


莎朗·L. 林德

莎朗·L. 林德
林德CEO & 助理高管培训

“Wayland’s athletic background plays out in the disciplined focus, 他为领导团队带来了忠诚和奉献精神,以取得最好的结果, while teaching others along the way,莎朗·L说。. 林德.

琳达会知道的. 现在是。的创始人和CEO 林德 & 助理高管培训, 在此之前,她曾在凤凰城多个班纳健康校区担任首席执行官,与威廉姆斯合作了近8年.

In her view, Williams has all the makings of a good leader. He is good at identifying and cultivating talent, 她说, 但对他来说,“教别人做最好的自己是(最)令人欣慰的”.

Perhaps this is because he’s had to nurture this in himself. When he started college in California, 他听从了高中教练的建议,学习了小学教育. 学生教学治好了他的职业道路,但后来生活干预了他. 他与第一任妻子订婚,并计划加入加州格伦代尔的警察部门. 然而,在拉斯维加斯的单身派对上,他的职业规划破灭了.

他和他的8个好朋友在码头上的一艘船上, who’d caught his first fish at 2 and had grown up on boats, 试图启动它吗. There was a noise that gave Williams pause, but none of the signs of danger he was taught to look for, 就像水里的油, 在场.

不过,还是有些地方不对劲. Then Williams got what he views as divine guidance.


除了他以外,所有人都回到了码头上,威廉姆斯试图重新开始. 他回忆道:“一切都很顺利。. 它爆炸了. 它把我吹进了水里,在我游向码头的路上,我数着我的朋友.”

八个朋友都很安全. Williams, on the other hand, suffered burns to half of his body. He recovered, but working as a police officer was off the table. 而不是, 他在一家岩土工程公司担任项目经理, which led to his relocating to Arizona. He and his then wife started a family. Williams started fitness coaching on the side. Things were good — but change was on the horizon.


在某些方面,威廉姆斯可能知道他还没有成长并影响他周围的人. 他说,在那次划船事故之后,他意识到他欠自己和他人更多的东西.

“I was saved and here on Earth to inspire others,他说. “We only have one shot at it to be happy. I felt like that’s where I needed to be in healthcare.”

Williams didn’t intuit his path immediately. 这需要时间. For a while, he focused on coaching and fitness. 后来他离婚了,在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜担任招生顾问. 在那里,他发现不仅要有一个目标,还要弄清楚目标的重要性如何实现它. Prospective students would have a lofty ambition, 他说, and he’d research how they could realistically achieve it.

在为别人这样做了很多次之后,他意识到他需要遵循自己的建议. 他已经在亚利桑那州的一所州立大学完成了学士学位, 所以他报名参加了 Master of Health Administration program 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.

He also started making connections. He knew he wanted to work in leadership, and he knew he was interested in healthcare, so he volunteered at Banner Health every morning before his day job.

就像他划船出事那天一样,他在班纳的日子感觉是上帝在指引着他. “我只是觉得上帝总是用数字7和我说话,”威廉姆斯解释说. “So, 每当我的生活中有重要的事情需要我决定或想知道的时候, sevens show up in some kind of way.”

At Banner he was assigned a login number. The three-digit number was randomized and computer generated. 威廉姆斯的数量? 777.

“(技术人员)又做了一次,结果又是777,”威廉姆斯说. “He was like, ‘I guess this is supposed to be your number.’所以在那一刻,我想,‘这就是我应该在的地方.’”


This was truer than Williams realized. When he was laid off from his full-time job, 他在班纳的顾问不仅带领他找工作,还为他找到了一个职位,让他与班纳的两位c级高管一起担任副管理人员.

From there, Williams began working his way up. 带着他的MHA, he moved into the role of supply chain coordinator; then he took on the role of associate director for post-acute discharge patients at several hospital campuses. 接下来,他是环境服务的主任,然后是班纳临终关怀的主任.  

“现在, I’m the guest services director at Banner – University, 所以我监督环境服务和精神关怀……所以这是一个完整的循环,他说.

什么不是圆? 威廉姆斯的成长,更像是一个向上和向前的轨迹.

林德说:“韦兰做任何事都用心去做. “While working a demanding leadership role in healthcare, Wayland consistently finds time to support family events, 指导他儿子的足球队, volunteer in the community [and get involved in] church.”

Part of what has driven Williams’ success has been his education. He learned during his master’s program, 例如, how to communicate in a way that is both effective and resonant.

Going to school online especially honed those skills. 就像他必须学习如何将自己的想法传达给同学和老师一样, 他必须能够管理不同部门或不同校区的员工.

他成功的另一部分? His relentless focus on the end goal. This is part of his athletic upbringing, 他说. 尽管他指出,与他结婚10年的第二任妻子经常鼓励他享受这段旅程, he’s often more focused on what he wants.

“I’m always working to get better,” he explains. “The goal at hand hasn’t been reached yet, so I will continue to do what I need to do to better myself, 让自己做好准备, 为了达到那个目标.”

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遇见像韦兰一样的凤凰. 建立联系,建立关系,成为一个不断发展的社区的一部分. 加入一个章节.



伊丽莎白·埃克斯琳自从三年级赢得写作比赛后就一直在讲故事. She's covered design and architecture, 旅行, lifestyle content and a host of other topics for national, 区域, 本地及品牌刊物. 另外, 她曾在万豪国际集团(Marriott International)从事内容开发工作,并为多位作者撰写稿件.




